brunston castle members' site

Spot the ball --- a tiny bit of technical detail.

By now all our clubgolfers should be holding a club correctly, aiming in the right direction and turning those shoulders in a great looking swing.  Some of the youngsters have taken up Brunston’s  special summer deal and have been hitting the fairways as often as possible.  Some have already planned to play in the Open - but most have discovered it can be good one day and the pits the next.  Alas, it does not happen overnight.

Last week we looked at aiming from behind; getting everything aiming to the target.  Did anyone notice the missing link?  Where was the ball? 

To keep everything as simple as possible we are using a 7 iron and a 7 wood so the ball is roughly ‘between your feet’ where your club  will swish the grass.  Both these clubs will lift the ball into the air just with that swish and without you leaping out of your socks or digging a hole in the ground. You will not hit it 350 yards like Tiger Woods, but with a smooth swing the ball will go up and straight [ish] forward. That is always good news.

         open   closed    square or straight edge

Beginner tip  ±1

clubgolf recommend a ‘tick-tock' swing like a Y; say ‘tick’ and swing the club to 9 o’clock; say ‘tock’ as you swing through to 3 o’clock.  It might not be the swing of your dreams but it builds up a smooth swish and confidence. Dream swing comes later!  It was very irritating when I practiced seriously that a ‘half swing’ went almost as far as a full swing!

Beginner tip ±2

If you get the chance to practice try and find a little bit of an up side slope. With the ball a little above your feet you will turn your shoulders without thinking about it.  Can’t find a slope? Do a ‘Sevvy’ and build one on an [empty] bit of beach,  Or again, grab a friend or parent.  Get ready to hit, then let them lift the clubhead about 6 inches off the ground, above the ball, and then smoothly swing and hit the ball. I say this deliberately as this was part of a coaching lesson I had from John Jacobs and I smartly swung at his hands!  He moved quickly - luckily!

Beginner tip ±3

Picking the ball up with the club looks good and is fun in a practice session.  Slip a sand wedge under the ball in semi rough till it is almost right under it. A little flick and up it comes. Then you can catch or bounce it. Simples!

Parent tip.

An old doormat or wedge of astro turf for back door swinging saves re-seeding! 


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